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«  4-р сар 2010  »



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Эхлэл » 2010 » 4-р сар » 13 » Киргизд болсон бослогын дараа
10:22 PM
Киргизд болсон бослогын дараа
after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 2

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 3

Манай рекламнууд дээр дарж байгаарай. Баярлалаа

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 4

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 5

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 6

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 7

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 8

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after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 22

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after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 24

after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 25

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after civil war in Kyrgyzstan 30

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Манай рекламнууд дээр дарж байгаарай. Баярлалаа

The Following Day After Revolution 2

From hearsay two filling stations have been burnt, in fact only one car has suffered. The city is full of rumors.

The Following Day After Revolution 3

Buildings are postered with words: "We are with people”, crossed paper strips on the window glasses.

The Following Day After Revolution 4

The Following Day After Revolution 5

Near the stores are guards with white and red bandages. The men are drinking.

The Following Day After Revolution 6

White bandages mean "we protect our property”, red ones - "people’s bodyguards”.

The Following Day After Revolution 7

The city begins to awake. The first trolleybus appears in the streets.

The central department store, burnt in accord with the newscast, is on its usual place unharmed sheeted all around. A security manager is on his working place. They have foreseen the events and with all the employees "prepared” the building for the worst. They have already had sad experience in 2005.

The Following Day After Revolution 8

Nobody sleeps for the second night.

The Following Day After Revolution 9

All the disturbance is close to the city center, looters are mostly the youth - 14-30 years old, unfortunately, having weapons. They being drunk "visited” "Arsenal” stores.

It all began as a result of boosting utility services prices.  Now an average monthly salary here can be spent for monthly public services.

In the square in front of the parliament people are gathering.

The Following Day After Revolution 10

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They say they obey the Constitution now, they "took an oath”.

The Following Day After Revolution 18

The Following Day After Revolution 19

However people say there haven’t been any police in the street for these two days. This man lives opposite to the Parliament house. Most of all he was afraid of grenades…

The Following Day After Revolution 21

The Following Day After Revolution 22

They say looters got to the armored car as well when the riot police had left an ignition key inside. They ran into the building.

The Following Day After Revolution 23

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An unlucky beauty salon.

The Following Day After Revolution 26

This travel agency has already started working and even has clients.

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Looters smashed in a door of an airline company office.

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When they pray they sit.

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The Following Day After Revolution 36

A Chinese trading center has nearly burnt to the ground, the casino inside was a serious irritant.

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A grocery nearby didn’t suffer and even starts to accept payment for the mobile communication, however, do not promise to enter soon.

The Following Day After Revolution 41

Shop assistants joined hands and suppressing fear defended the store.

The Following Day After Revolution 42

"Narodny” store was less lucky.

The Following Day After Revolution 43

Public procurator’s office. In the still burning building there are looters with sacks gadding about. Practically nothing remained untouched. Even central heaters.

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The public prosecutor’s office’ garage. KG numbers had been taken away from all the cars but it didn’t save them.

The Following Day After Revolution 58

A woman is buying chairs from boys for about 0,3 dollars - 10 rubles.

The Following Day After Revolution 59

Fortunate finding.

The Following Day After Revolution 60

Even burnt discs are being disassembled.

The Following Day After Revolution 61

Behind the Parliament’s fence.

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The wounded are in four hospitals.

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There are many stories about snipers… They are all hired Balts…

The Following Day After Revolution 69

The Following Day After Revolution 70

The President’s son Maxim was hated by people - his house was the one of the first harmed. There is such a story about Maxim: once he came to a night club and ordered all guys to leave and girls to stay… nobody knows about the fate of those girls.

The Following Day After Revolution 71

People come here like for an excursion.

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His golden card..

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His photoalbum is for people’s pleasure now.

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The Following Day After Revolution 77

A girl is digging out flowers, only at night here was a fir.

The Following Day After Revolution 78

By the night aggression grows up.

The Following Day After Revolution 79

Aggressors occupied the last vacant piece of the ground in Bishkek that belonged to the authorities. Lists are made up, the ground is shared, they are ready to spend here day and night.

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An armored column.

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The Following Day After Revolution 89

Looters capture arranged.

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The Following Day After Revolution 91

Bishkek is under control. Tomorrow the world will forget about this country for another 5 years…

Англал: Алан хядах үйл ажиллагаа, зэр зэвсэг | Үзсэн: 1286 | Нэмсэн: saak_penny | Үнэлгээ: 0.0/0
Нийт сэтгэгдэл: 0
Зөвхөн бүртгүүлсэн хэрэглэгч сэтгэгдэл үлдээх эрхтэй.
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